We the Radio Brahmaputra:
Brahmaputra Community Radio Station, also known as Radio Brahmaputra 90.4MHZ, is the first grassroots community radio station in North East India, located in the district of Dibrugarh, Assam. Its mission is to provide a platform for marginalized communities living in geographically isolated and media-dark regions such as islands, tea gardens, and remote villages, who speak local languages and dialects that are often not included in mainstream media programs.

Embracing Diversity, Empowering Communities:
Covering over 8 lakh people across Upper Assam districts—Dibrugarh, Dhemaji, and parts of Sivasagar—it unifies urban, semi-urban, and rural populations. Celebrating language and cultural diversity, this pioneering community radio station represents various communities with innovative programs that enlighten listeners. Radio Brahmaputra is renowned for its innovative and interactive approach to community media. The station utilizes participatory tools to engage with the community and address a wide range of issues, including health, education, livelihood, agriculture, environment, gender, and local culture, among others. By broadcasting programs in various local languages and dialects and organizing community-level initiatives, Radio Brahmaputra gives a voice to marginalized communities and empowers them. The station's inclusive and participatory approach encourages community members to actively participate in discussions and decision- making. Radio Brahmaputra's interventions reflect its dedication to finding solutions to the challenges faced by marginalized communities in the region.



  • To report, document and broadcast on issues of local concern, ranging from economic and governance to social and cultural issues.
  • Create awareness of social challenges, document cultural diversity and social practices, report on the physical environment in which people live (rivers, floods, islands, farms etc.)
  • We make radio a powerful force for good among our communities—one that shares knowledge, amplifies voices, and supports positive change.



  • Empowering people by making them better aware of the World around them and the issues which affect them directly and indirectly. 


  • Enabling their concerns to be shared over air, bringing it to the notice of Government/Administration.
  • Providing Government with information and opportunities to address these challenges and democratic manner.


Our vision is to establish a network of communities that can report, inform, and broadcast in their local languages and dialects using various community media platforms, including community radio. This network aims to support local development processes sustainably. By doing so, Radio Brahmaputra seeks to contribute to an integrated planning and development process based on accurate local information, reflecting the true essence of inclusive growth in the communities.


 We are lying in between Dibrugarh & Dhemaji District on the southern bank of the Brahmaputra River. Dibrugarh is home to sprawling tea gardens; both districts have a significant stretch of Brahmaputra River, with island villages as well as a range of ethnic groups, cultures and languages among Upper Assam Districts. This economic and cultural diversity and presence of vulnerable communities including tea garden villages & riverine communities made Dibrugarh and Dhemaji an important from the point of socio-economic development and dissemination of information to those who need to be involved in the ‘development’ process. It was felt that by creating a platform to enable communities to exchange ideas and thoughts, Radio Brahmaputra could minimize the existing sense of isolation and involve in participatory communication.